The construction project: answer these 3 questions before opening a new site
The construction project is the final step of the design stage that readies the work for execution, and the first stage of the site implementation week. This is a key moment of the project, and far from a rigid process, it grows and develops alongside the site. This is where the site becomes both a creator and protagonist.

The construction project
We often hear experts talk about the construction project, even if regulations state that the real direction must come from the executive project, which includes all the instructions necessary to carry out a project. This is defined as "the engineering of all the expected interventions during the design stage".
Due to its major importance, it is baffling to see that current regulations do not mention the construction project at all.
The construction project also includes the practical aspects that arise in the field
Reality is always different. Although the law that oversees public works does not mention or cite the construction project at all, in the real-life operations of a construction site, this step comes immediately after the executive project. It also addresses any deficiencies in the latter, as the executive project isn't always capable of answering all the questions of whoever will carry out the works.
Because of this, the executive project will necessarily be integrated within the construction one, and where information is missing, the latter will add solutions to any problems that arise on site.
Out of all the different design levels acknowledged by the regulations, the construction project is the true outsider, as it is the only one that, due to its very nature, requires the intervention of the construction company.
The construction project is the link that joins the design stage with the activities on the construction site
This step is an "invisible part" of the executive project, and it will define the "structure" of the building itself
Before opening a new construction site, answer these 3 questions
The construction project is a crucial step for the site, because if it is properly arranged, then half the work is done - and nowhere is this as true as it is in the construction industry! Right before you commence works, there are 3 questions you need to ask yourself:
- Have the projects been analysed piece by piece, and have any missing sections been resolved?
- Have the projects been coordinated to verify whether every single part of the site or the building can really be built?
- Have the staff, materials, and machinery been brought to the field, in a way that lets the site work efficiently?

The construction project results from a series of modifications and indications that come from the site
The construction project comes from several fronts:
- The site project, which corrects and modifies the executive project according to any practical problems found.
- The project that follows the instructions sent from the site, according to any problems or eventualities that can be verified on the field.
- The part of the project stemming from the instructions that the company sends to the project director, based on a series of events that have been tested in the field.
Now, the company executing the project isn't just in charge of carrying out the works but must also make key decisions. Because of its very nature, the construction site is often a "live" organism and is constantly evolving. It is based on a long term goal (the building, constructed according to the architectural and engineering project) but also a short term schedule (for example, how should you build a specific porch?).
Therefore, it's necessary to have a constructive and constant dialogue between client and company
To perform the works properly, the company will need to have some degree of freedom when making decisions, and a scope that allows it to optimise the construction process according to its abilities, and its previous know-how and experiences
The company is the one that tells the project director about any modifications to the executive project
We particularly recommend that the company itself submits a list of modifications of the executive project for the project director. These will allow them to complete the project more efficiently.
These changes will primarily deal with the use of different executive technologies to those listed on the project's specifications. This may lead to two different routes:
- The same result, both formally and in practice.
- The same result, but using different means to get there. This may involve using materials, details, or even execution techniques that are different from those specified in the executive project.

The important part is to communicate! This means:
Keeping communication lines open between the different participants in the project - the owner, the builder, and the project director - is of vital importance. In addition, you will also need to:
a. Collect data on what is happening on the construction site, daily
b. Be able to trace this data in a virtual space, to ensure nothing is list later on after the site has been closed and delivered.
The best solution for a construction project: to have a digital tool such as Mela always at hand (and all you need is a smartphone!). This combines the ease of use of a messaging app with the safety of an archive, where everything can be tracked and organized.